Bikes, Rickshaws and Drives

Thomas and Emily accompanied my mum to get kachoris for breakfast this morning. They were more interested in the ride on the e-rickshaw and convinced Dida to get them some jalebis and gulab jamuns as well. After breakfast I headed out to the bank to submit some final KYC paperwork while Ben and Matthew accompanied Dadu to the local cobbler to get their new belts … Continue reading Bikes, Rickshaws and Drives

Sweets, Treats and Hitting the Streets

With Bron and Ben still recovering from their long trip yesterday, we decided to go for a walk after breakfast to help them acclimatise. I took everyone past the house I used to live in (HA Block) when we first moved to Kolkata in the early 90s. The house doesn’t look maintained at all with overgrowth all around. It used to have an impressive atrium … Continue reading Sweets, Treats and Hitting the Streets

A Day of Travelling

It was an early start at the hotel in Sydney where we were down at the breakfast buffet by 6 in the morning. Everyone seems to have slept quite well and were super-excited for the day ahead. The hotel has the most impressive Nespresso machine with multiple levers and milk frothers. Emily and Thomas had a successful interaction with the pancake maker (for once) and … Continue reading A Day of Travelling