Lazing Around

We had a much better nights sleep but were all still up by 5 in the morning. We have gotten into the habit of having WeetBix first thing in the morning followed by writing our daily journal. Emily has been creating a pictorial comic book of her travels while Thomas has been keeping a diary with stickers and notes. Even Matthew has been diligently writing in an online document that he has even shared with mum and dad. We decided to spend the morning around the house playing games and reading and still getting acclimatised to the time zone change. Alex, our helper Elf, located us in Kolkata and has been keeping a watchful eye on the kids every day.

When we visited last year Matthew and I had discovered a cafe only a couple of kilometres away which made a proper Flat White (with good strong beans) as well as a killer Kit Kat Shake. We went there for morning team. We forgot that it was the weekend and finding a table was harder than we had anticipated. We even had the waitstaff hurry some existing patrons through their meals to clear a spot for us. Thomas was super impressed with his shake, which he realised was bigger than his head.

The highlight of the day was the arrival of Mimi Pishi. As soon as the kids heard that she was downstairs they made a beeline for her. Thomas was a bit apprehensive at the start and wasn’t really sure what to expect. It took him a little while to warm to her (and a soft stuffed Giraffe/Zebra definitely helped) but before long was hanging off her arm. We went for a walk to a local cake shop to get afternoon tea and the kids each got a cupcake for themselves. I stopped by the sweets shop and got some traditional bengali sweets for me.

After dinner the energy levels dropped really quickly and Thomas was falling asleep sitting up while we said goodbye to Mimi. Tom and Emily were so tired that they were both asleep by the time I turned around to switch off their bedside light.

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