Bowling, Travelling and Raining

After a few days of really hot and humid weather, the heavens opened today and the temperature dropped by almost 10 degrees. So much so that we all wore full sleeve shirts all day. The morning was spent playing in the house where Thomas built the space ship that he bought yesterday while Matthew caught up on his reading. Emily went with Dida to get groceries (and more ice cream).

After lunch we went out to Nicco Park for a game of bowling. The rain was quite heavy now and we had to dash across the car park to get to the entrance. Unfortunately the bowling lanes didn’t have bumper bars and had a slight slant to the left – which made it particularly difficult for Emily and Thomas. It resulted in Thomas angling the roller to the right so the ball would still reach the pins at the end. Emily kept struggling without the roller and was a bit disappointed with her result – but kept trying all the way through and had a couple of really good bowls. After bowling we played in the arcade. Emily and Thomas had two games of Air Hockey while Matthew and I played pool. I get the feeling Matthew has been secretly playing pool as he has gotten really good and we ended up drawing 1 all.

Emily is having a sleepover with Mimi pishi (which she has been looking forward to all week) and we all drove out to New Town to drop her off. We visited their apartment and got acquainted to a very excited Maya. However after the initial enthusiasm she seemed to settle down quite a bit. Emily, however, got more and more excited :-).

On the drive back, with the weather having eased a bit, we decided to stop by Eco park and have a look at the 7 Wonders of the World. Our last visit to Eco Park almost 7 years ago resulted in us getting caught in a deluge with all of us soaked to the skin. This time, we were a bit better prepared with umbrellas, and more importantly, the slight rain meant it was quite empty. The display is quite well created and we got to walk around and into each of the displays. The Pyramids even had a tomb which included a sarcophagus and ancient Egyptian carvings and paintings. Similarly, the Colosseum had a detachable floor so you could see the machinations below ground. It was a great way to spend an hour at the end of the day.

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