Special Meals and Treats

After a long day out and about yesterday, we decided to have a quiet one at home today. Emily and Thomas went with Dida first thing in the morning to get freshly made kachoris for breakfast. They were really looking forward to the Auto Rickshaw ride and were also able to convince Dida to get them some more ice cream for dessert. The vegetable curry that came along with the kachoris was excellent with pieces of paneer and minimal chilli. The kachoris were accompanied with fresh jalebis that had been cooked fresh that morning. Cruncy on the outside and soft and gooey in the middle it was a great compliment to the kachoris. In the continuing theme of special dishes, my mum made some goat curry for lunch which is always a family favourite. A combination of not having easy access to goats in Australia and her special recipe, means this was devoured by all at lunch time. For dinner, we had a more western meal with battered fish and baked vegetables as well as Tomato Soup for starters.

Thomas accompanied my dad for his morning walk and they ended up at a friends house for morning tea. While my dad and his friend had a cup of tea, Thomas got treated to ice cream – which was novel, unexpected and a total thrill to him. He kept raving on to the others that he got to have ice-cream for morning tea which is an incredibly rare occurrence. In the afternoon we drove out to City Centre II to meet up with Mimi. The drive was reasonably easy, given the time of the day, and I taught the kids a maths game I used to play with the various numberplates of other vehicles when I was a kid. That kept us entertained for most of the drive. We went to Cafe Coffee Day and had afternoon tea which were huge shakes topped with ice cream.

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