Day 1 – Off to Sydney

Matthew, Emily, Thomas and I took the bus this afternoon to head to Sydney. It was a mid afternoon trip and was reasonably uneventful. The kids read, watched and entertained themselves. Bron had packed some treats for the drive which was consumed non-stop.

On arrival in Sydney it was Matthews job to direct us from the airport to the hotel. I had had a previous look at Google maps and it was going to be about a 20 minute walk, which was reasonable with the kids and our luggage. After one false start, we were on the right route and made it to the hotel without much of a delay. It was a reasonably easy walk except for one bit where we needed to cross a busy bridge on a various pedestrian walkway.

Last year, when Matthew and I had stayed at the same hotel we had gone across the road to a Rowing Club for dinner. And all we remember is they had a tower of meat which included steaks, cutlets, sausages and schnitzels. We had been hankering for it again, however didn’t take into account their Thursday Trivia Night crowd. Unfortunately we couldn’t get a table and had to find a different place for dinner. We ended up at a Japanese restaurant in a little food district only about 10 minutes from the hotel. The kids food came in a little train which they loved. We even stopped for ice-cream on the walk back.

One thought on “Day 1 – Off to Sydney

  1. Wow! Go Matthew! How cool is that 😎
    Though he gets it from his parents, I am sure 😍 The luggage looks as ithough t’s quite a bit for the walk phewww…but you guys have made it look so easy 😏 Superman and his clan!
    Awww I hope you guys get to dive into the tower of meat sometime soon🤤 sounds absolutely drool worthy!
    I love Japanese cuisine. I am totally envying all the food nom-nom-nom… Great clicks, as always… waiting to see you all💖

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