2023 – Trip to India

Final Day

And just like, after months of preparation and planning, the two odd weeks of holiday have come to an end. The kids had a restless night and we were up a bit later than normal. Bron and Ben have made it back to Sydney and were checked into the hotel by the time we woke.… Continue reading Final Day

Happy Birthday Ben

Ben turned 19 today and his younger siblings spent the morning decorating the living room before he woke up. They inflated a whole heap of balloons and put up streamers and signs all around. Matthew even had the great plan of firing a confetti cannon at Ben when he first appeared. Fortunately for all the… Continue reading Happy Birthday Ben

Bikes, Rickshaws and Drives

Thomas and Emily accompanied my mum to get kachoris for breakfast this morning. They were more interested in the ride on the e-rickshaw and convinced Dida to get them some jalebis and gulab jamuns as well. After breakfast I headed out to the bank to submit some final KYC paperwork while Ben and Matthew accompanied… Continue reading Bikes, Rickshaws and Drives

In the Spotlight

Everytime we visit we get a formal photo done of the entire Guha clan at a local studio. Today was that day and we realised that we didn’t actually have any nice shirt for Thomas to wear. We headed out to FabIndia near CA Market to have a look at what they had in store.… Continue reading In the Spotlight

Happy Birthday Mum

With it being Bron’s birthday today, the kids were up early and helped Dadu and Dida put up a whole bunch of decorations and inflate numerous balloons. Then they waited in anticipation for Bron to come down for breakfast to shower her with the balloons. It was a loud, lively and enjoyable morning including a… Continue reading Happy Birthday Mum


The weather had cleared up and the sun was out so we decided to visit the Old Alipore Jail which has been turned into a museum. We left mid morning and the drive took us through the city and the level of pollution and haze was quite stifling. After a couple of days of respite,… Continue reading Jailbirds

A Hairy Experience

The rain had subsided today and the temperature had dropped quite a lot making it a very pleasant day. We pottered around the house for most of the morning playing board games and reading books. I accompanied my dad to the local hospital to get his Echocardiogram done which went quite smoothly. In the afternoon… Continue reading A Hairy Experience

Bowling, Travelling and Raining

After a few days of really hot and humid weather, the heavens opened today and the temperature dropped by almost 10 degrees. So much so that we all wore full sleeve shirts all day. The morning was spent playing in the house where Thomas built the space ship that he bought yesterday while Matthew caught… Continue reading Bowling, Travelling and Raining

Special Meals and Treats

After a long day out and about yesterday, we decided to have a quiet one at home today. Emily and Thomas went with Dida first thing in the morning to get freshly made kachoris for breakfast. They were really looking forward to the Auto Rickshaw ride and were also able to convince Dida to get… Continue reading Special Meals and Treats

Science City

The first thing Thomas said when he bounded out of bed this morning was “When are we going to Science City?” – so to say that he was excited would be an understatement. I came across the review I wrote for Science City when we last visited 12 years ago and it wasn’t pleasant reading… Continue reading Science City

Teas, Meals and Rickshaws

It seems to be taking longer for everyone to get over their jet lag this time around and the little ones are still waking up before 5 in the morning and pottering around the house. Hopefully in another day they will be sleeping in better. The weather is still incredibly hot with the maximum predicted… Continue reading Teas, Meals and Rickshaws

Lazing Around

We had a much better nights sleep but were all still up by 5 in the morning. We have gotten into the habit of having WeetBix first thing in the morning followed by writing our daily journal. Emily has been creating a pictorial comic book of her travels while Thomas has been keeping a diary… Continue reading Lazing Around

A Birthday Celebration

Even with only about 4 hours sleep the kids were all up and ready for the day. The excitement of being in India and spending the day with Dadu and Dida had them bouncing off the walls. They also got to accompany them to the shops while I unpacked and was able to convince them… Continue reading A Birthday Celebration

A Day of Travelling

It was an early start at the hotel in Sydney where we were down at the breakfast buffet by 6 in the morning. Everyone seems to have slept quite well and were super-excited for the day ahead. The hotel has the most impressive Nespresso machine with multiple levers and milk frothers. Emily and Thomas had… Continue reading A Day of Travelling

Day 1 – Off to Sydney

Matthew, Emily, Thomas and I took the bus this afternoon to head to Sydney. It was a mid afternoon trip and was reasonably uneventful. The kids read, watched and entertained themselves. Bron had packed some treats for the drive which was consumed non-stop. On arrival in Sydney it was Matthews job to direct us from… Continue reading Day 1 – Off to Sydney