And We’re Off

Few Clouds, 6°C

30 Conyers St, Hughes ACT 2605, Australia

#And We’re Off

The morning of departure is always a mad dash, but we were all ready to leave by 5.30. the challenge is to wear something that is warm enough to get to the airport, given its only 3 degrees outside, and not so much stuff that it would be a waste for the next 3 weeks.

We got to the airport about an hour before scheduled departure however there was already a really long line at check in. The was a school group with about 30 kids just ahead of us which made it seem a lot worse. To top it off one of the passengers fainted as they had to wait so long and Dr Bron was called to action.

The flight on itself was pretty uneventful and Emily took photos of every aspect of the seat while Thomas ate his Weet-Bix.

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