2022 – The Red Centre of Australia

A Day at the Rock

We drove out to Uluru this morning after breakfast to complete our walk around the base. We started with a Ranger guided walk along the Mala trail, which started where the rock climb used to be. The ranger talk was uninspiring and tedious, however he did explain some of the rock art and what it… Continue reading A Day at the Rock

Field of Lights

It was another early morning start in the freezing cold for us today. The bus collected us from the hotel at 5.30 and we headed out to the Field of Lights. The Field of Lights is an installation of 50,000 lights on the foothills of Uluru by British artist Bruce Munro.  It is an incredible… Continue reading Field of Lights

King Canyons Tour

We had to get up really early at 3am for a trip to the King’s Canyon. Distances in the NT are unassumingly large and it took us 3 hours to get there. We got to see some spectacular changes in the color of the sky as the sun rose. I have never seen the sky… Continue reading King Canyons Tour

1 Turn for 450kms

We had an early start today and needed to be down at breakfast by 6am as we are heading to Uluru. We were all packed and ready to go and the kids got one last hot chocolate from their favorite server. The drive from Alice to Uluru is about 450 kms with only one turn… Continue reading 1 Turn for 450kms

The Alice Show

It was a public holiday in Alice Springs today for the Alice Springs Show. We went for a drive in the morning but most of the shops and museums were closed for the public holiday. One of the museums that was open was the Kookaburra Wreckage Museum. The Kookaburra was a flight manned by Bob… Continue reading The Alice Show

Desert Park

We spent the day at the Alice Springs desert park to learn about native animals, birds and also indigenous culture. We started the day with a bird show where the official star was the wedge-tailed eagle. It swooped in from a distance at great speed and looked majestic. The unofficial star was a little willy… Continue reading Desert Park

Pioneering Women

The resort we are staying at is right next door to a golf range and the kids spent an hour this morning collecting golf balls that had gone astray. When they came to the room excited with what they had found, I thought it would have been a handful. How wrong was I, they had… Continue reading Pioneering Women

A Town Like Alice

After a quick lunch in town we joined the second half of our tour, which was to see the sights around Alice Springs. We started with a visit to Anzac Hill with sweeping views across the township. The flags were all at half mast yesterday to commemorate the passing of the last Anzacv soldier from… Continue reading A Town Like Alice

Fawning over Megafauna

So we finally made it to Alice and as a bonus the person who was meant to have the window seat never showed. Matthew and I had the entire row to ourselves and allowed us to spread out a bit. A unique sight at Alice Springs airport is the parking lot of planes that are… Continue reading Fawning over Megafauna

And they’re off

First family adventure in years. We are heading to the NT to take on the splendor of Ayers Rock. Bron left earlier with Thomas and Emily while the rest of us will join her next week. Continue reading And they’re off