A Walk Through Old Town

Mist, -4°C

Staroměstské náměstí 4/1

We didn’t really have anything planned or organised for today so we decided to have a quiet and lazy one. After a late breakfast we let Thomas have another sleep in his cot and headed out on the late afternoon.

Our hotel is conveniently located right near Charles bridge and close to Old Town which is almost like the tourist centre for Prague. Needless to say it was incredibly busy. I haven’t seen crowds this big in any of the cities we visited throughout this trip. It appears a lot of people are here to party for the new years.

Wandering through the streets we found a few shops selling a very unique dessert. It’s pastry rolled on a skewer and then roasted on an open flame. Once browned it is filled with either chocolate or cream or nuts. We tried one with chocolate and it was quite interesting. However very hard to eat without making a mess.

We saw a sign for a Marionette production of Don Giovanni and decided to buy tickets for later tonight. We reached the old town square and it was teeming with people. We wandersd through the Christmas markets and a lot of the items were the same. Something that is unique in the Czech republic is having huge portions of meat slowly cooking on a rotisserie over an open flame.

We made our way back to the hotel before going to the puppet show.

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