Just Snow Much Fun

Light Snow, -4°C


Just snow much fun

We headed out to the woods near Rovaniemi to experience a Snow Fun Day. There was light snow for most of the day which the kids loved.

They started with tobogganing down a hill. Matthew made a friend and raced against them, while Ben and Emily went down together, over and over again. They then got the chance to ride a kids snow mobile around a track. Ben tried to go too fast and tipped over a couple of times. Emily listened astutely to the instructions and then rode it all by herself. She was able to navigate it as well as accelerate and brake as needed.

Ben really wanted to try ice fishing so went out on the frozen lake with Emily. He didn’t catch anything but loved every minute nonetheless. Matthew headed off with his friend on a snow mobile adventure.

I drove a snow buggy for a few laps of the track and each of the kids had a ride with me. Throughout this whole experience Thomas lay asleep, all snuggled up in a teepee near a roaring fire. Bron and I took turns sitting with him and it was quite cosy.

Almost everyone at the snow park today were Australians and halfway through lunch Ben yelled out “Aussie Aussie Aussie” and got an “Oi Oi Oi” in response. Speaking of lunch, we were able to cook sausages over the bonfire or have some soup and Lucia buns. We opted for both.

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