Now I’ve Seen It All

Overcast Clouds, 2°C

Unionsgatan 36

Now I’ve seen it all

In Dubai last year we saw air conditioned bus stops and a ski field in 45 degree temperature. And today we found heated sidewalks n Helsinki. I guess when you have winters with sub zero temperature that lasts almost 6 months it makes sense.

We were meant to go on a walking tour that started at 9 this morning, however given our body clocks are not synced to Finland time yet, everyone slept in. We didn’t get ready for breakfast till well after 8 and then it was a mad dash to get everyone fed and clothed by the time the guide arrived.

We started by walking through Senate Square and then visiting the Helsinki Cathedral. It was an imposing and eerie structure especially given the fog that had set over the city. Contrary to other cathedrals and churches we have visited, this one was really simple and didn’t have extravagant carvings or ornate murals. The organ, however, was massive and looked quite spectacular.

Helsinki used to be the capital of Prussia and only gained independence in 1917. There are a number of constructions and preparations already underway to celebrate Finland’s 100 year anniversary next year.

We walked through town and the train station and headed to the Rock Church. The kids did an incredible job walking for 3 hours this morning. We also visited a small park with a number of Christmas trees near the Helsinki museum before heading back via the Music Centre.

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