
Light Rain, 3°C

Helgesens gate 9

The famed wet weather in Bergen finally caught up with us today and it was wet and bone chillingly cold. We didn’t venture far and headed to the Bryggen Museum next door and it was quite a find. They had the remains from buildings and skeletons found in the area dating back to over 1,000 years. Given its location on the West coast of Norway, Bergen has historically been a very important port and trading venue. The museum also had remains of ships that were used during the Viking era. In one of the upper sections the kids got to dress up with lab coats and work on their own skeletons and also go discovering clues.

We then headed to Rosenkrantz Tower which also was right next to our hotel. The tower served as a parliament as well as a way of defending the city from invaders. As soon as the kids walked into the main hall they proclaimed that it reminded them of Hogwarts. They also pretended to be guards stationed at the watch tower looking out for ships.

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