Birthday Girl

Light Rain, 3°C

Torget 2

Birthday Girl
Thomas got up at 1 minute to midnight for a feed to make sure he was the first to wish Bronwyn a happy birthday. While down at breakfast Matthew presented mummy with earrings he had picked for her during the trip. He even colored in a design as wrapping paper.

The flowers that had been organised didnt show up before we went out this morning but was there in the room when we came back at lunch time. The hotel had also organised some balloons and a special message for her.

My plan was to head down to Baker Brun to get a cake for afternoon tea. Unfortunately they had run out by the time Ben and I made it there. As a fallback the kids got together and made Bron a waffle cake by using the waffle maker in the lounge downstairs.

For dinner we headed to Spisekronen which is rated as one of the top restaurants in all of Norway. The meal was fantastic and kids even tried reindeer. As a treat everyone got dessert and the chef wrote out a special message for Bron

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