Biggest Gingerbread Village

Broken Clouds, 5°C

Baneveien 15

Biggest Gingerbread Village
Bergen boasts of the largest gingerbread display in the world and we went to visit this afternoon. It was a 30 minute walk from the hotel and the hall looked very unassuming from the outside. Even once we entered and went through the first couple of rooms with various gingerbread creations like ski village, Pokemon, Eiffel tower, we weren’t overly impressed. Then we turned the corner and entered the main hall. WOW. I have never seen this many gingerbread creations before. It ranged from the entire Bergen city scape to hot air balloons and aeroplanes to monuments from around the world, ocean liners, trains and even roller coasters. All made from gingerbread.

At the back of the display there was a giant slide where the kids went up and down ad nauseam. To end the evening we ate some gingerbread men and women and drank a special Christmas soda called Julebrue -which just tasted of really sweetened and flavored water. The kids loved it all though.

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