A Royal Experience

Light Rain, 11°C

Bernstorffsgade 3

A Royal experience
We went on a tour of the famous landmarks in Copenhagen today. We stayed with the royal palace where the queen and her family still reside. The crown Prince and his Australian wife were in their palace and the boys got photos taken with the royal guards. Our driver for the day had a royal connection as well Ann’s used to be the driver for the crown Prince.

From the majesty and opulence of the palace we went to see the little mermaid by the water front. She looked really serene sitting on the rock looking wistfully at the throngs of people clambering all around her to get a better photo.

We ended the tour at the Christianborg Castle which used to be the royal residence. We had to wear surgical slip ons on our shoes as we walked through the coronation room, royal dining hall, tapestry room etc. Unfortunately we couldn’t take a pram into the castle so had to carry Thomas the whole way.

The driver and guide dropped us off at the Tivoli Gardens for us to asked the afternoon there. Matthew was really disappointed that we couldn’t do any of the rides and we spent the time looking at Christmas markets and stalls. Bron finally found what she was looking for, decorations that are traditional t to Denmark with fine gold work

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