Another train ride

Mist, 6°C

Nr Åbyvej 16

Another train ride
There is something quite therapeutic about riding on a train. The click clacking of the tracking and watching the world zoom by. Always reminds me of the trips to Patna during the school holidays and staring out at the scenery and watching different tracks come and go.

On the other hand getting into an European train with 4 kids and 7 pieces of luggage in 2 minutes flat is anything but therapeutic. We got onto our train to Aarhus reasonably easily but then finding our seats and somewhere to put our luggage was a bit more complicated. Luckily a train inspector was on the same compartment as us and was very helpful.

We had a packed lunch while Thomas immediately fell asleep in my arms. The kids quite enjoyed the trip as we were in first class and the carriage included free hot chocolate and chocolate bars.

It is quite a dreary day but the landscape was made up of multiple shades of green and grey. Interestingly a few of the farms had wind turbines of various sizes.

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